Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Early Modern American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Early Modern American History - Essay Example In the 1840s, there was an explosive development in technology and networks infrastructures and communication, the telegrams, post offices and the printing industry. This paper provides an insightful analysis of the key economic and their significance in the early America republic. Economic modernization gained momentum with the increase in cotton crop, which was very profitable in the south region, as well as the textile, and machine making industry to the north region2. The transport infrastructure developed greatly which facilitate the development of other sector especially the economy. There were also many visitors who came from the Europe, which increased the number of the immigrants who settled in the country. The immigrants also played a major role in the economy establishment of the Early America. There was a civil war in the 1850s because of crisis over slavery despite the Whigs warning that annexation of Texas would lead to this. Evidently, the economy was the key factor in the development of the early American republic, in this paper the key trading activities have been highlighted and how they benefited the republic. Economic development is always one of the major factors for the growth of any nation. Even in the early nations, this factor played an important role in one way or another to the development of the nation. This is the major source of revenue for most countries, the revenue is in turn used to develop other sectors especially the infrastructure. The early America republic had really suffered after the war, with so many of its infrastructure destroyed during the war. In 1789, George Washington was elected the first president set a government structure which had various departments like treasury, treasury and war3. The government was very quick to reestablish its financial state and rapidly all the war debts that it had. It did this trough the new tariffs and taxes. Economic activities throughout the American

Monday, October 28, 2019

Dysfunction and Parannoia Essay Example for Free

Dysfunction and Parannoia Essay This just clarifies the fact that Henry is manipulative: the traitors are completely unaware anything is wrong, and the audience is given constant reminders to how Henry is about to act. He appears to act on the interest of the nation seeking no revenge and kill the traitors for our kingdoms safety. However it could be doubted that his leadership overrules his personal wants partly because he had already known of the plot for a while. This gives the thought that Henry had carefully been thinking of a scheme to make him not appear as a tyrant. When he accuses the traitors his language uses exaggeration. He uses rhetorical questions excessively, repeating why, so didst thou four times and compares the situation of the mens betrayal to Mans betrayal of god. This shows hes not revealing his true feelings, and trying to gain sympathy through a carefully planned act of making sure that it isnt perceived as him attaining personal revenge. Towards the end of the Act, Henry has developed into confident leader with the notion God is behind him. Through his speech he is portrayed as a manipulative leader who is sure of himself and what he is doing. This contrasts his previous speeches which portrayed him as weak and giving the appearance of being tough and eminent. It felt forced as he had been so unsure of himself and shows that such a strong, assertive stance taken in his later speech would have been genuine: we doubt not. The transformation from being unsure of what was morally acceptable as a leader to a man, who chose manipulation and execution, was incredibly sudden. It could be said however that the cause of different events led up to this new strong character or perhaps it was the fact that it became clear that his effective role as a leader was needed by more people than just himself. If Henry wouldve left the traitors to live, people would perceive him as weak and easily swayed. If he was to make the exception, his role as a weak leader could be taken advantage. This makes the suggestion that Henry sacrificed his personal interests for those of the nation as he comes to the realization that not doing so will lead his followers to becoming anarchists. However, Henry believes that to be a strong leader, there is no room for him to be humane which is conveyed through his manipulation in exposing the traitors. Henry. Being humane by showing mercy and being ruthless in regards to the role as a stronger leader, is meaningless. He makes the quick assumption that he is wrong in being moral and should be decisive and abide by the laws which isnt always the traits of a good leader. Henry uses the excuse for his previous (some may say tyrannical) actions for his success in leadership. This insinuates that he is good kind-hearted man who has had to sacrifice his own friendships for the sake of good leadership. However it could also evoke the fact that he is a tyrant using the excuses for leadership as excuses for his own revenge. Shakespeare hints at this through Henrys rhetoric and complex language contrasting with the inept and prose-written language of the common man. Regardless of this point, the audience can evidently see the commoners grief over Falstaffs death, whilst Henry sentences them, without showing his true feelings. This evokes Henrys cold character and suggests that underneath all the different surfaces of his nature, that he is ultimately a tyrant. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Harriet Beecher Stowe :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut in the year of 1811. She was a housewife of six, and wrote articles for magazines for a living. Stowe’s sister, Isabella Jones Beecher, was furious from the passing of the Fugitive Slave Law, passed as part of the Compromise of 1850. The law required all Northerners to return runaway slaves to their Southern owners. The result of the anger of the two sisters resulted in the production of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. When reading the book, it is quite obvious to an observant reader that the book was written by a nineteenth century woman during the nineteenth century. The opening scene of the book, where Mr. Shelby talks to Haley about Tom, is a reference to Harriet Beecher herself. She is trying to portray that all themes in this book about the evils of slavery are unfortunately true. There were some bright points besides the evils of slavery. Stowe mentioned that slavery in Kentucky was not so badly-off. This, however, angered abolitionists. Even though, there were still many fears to worry about. Another point is that Stowe makes Eliza and George, the parents of little Harry, light skinned. Stowe remarks that light-skinned women, like Eliza, are often especially attractive. This is one stereotype that whites have over blacks. The stereotype is described fully in the description of the two light-skinned story characters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All of the characters in Uncle Tom’s Cabin are based on real acquaintances of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Eliza is based on a young woman that Stowe had met in Kentucky. The first indication of this is found in Chapter 3: The Husband and the Father. In this chapter, George Harris decides to run away to Canada and work to buy Eliza and Harry’s freedom. Also in this chapter, George and Eliza possess completely different thoughts about slavery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All in all, most of the situations and characters in this book are references to Harriet Beecher Stowe and the life she lived.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disjunction of Senses in Modern City Life

Disjunction of Senses in Modern City life In his chapter â€Å"City Life and the Senses,† John Urry discusses how the senses system operates in â€Å"open societies† of streams of crowds in open space. The five senses are comprised by the visual, auditory, touch, taste, and olfactory. Urry views visuality as an ambivalent force that is prioritized above the other sense through the developments of centuries and somewhat abused by as visual sense becomes increasingly accelerated in the city life dominated by technology.The imbalance in the sensed environment is magnified by the physical natures of the senses themselves, but the inexpedience in this discrepancy is a product of civilization, implying that visuality and other senses are capable of interacting collaboratively under a hierarchy for a city life that â€Å"plays to all the senses. † The innate features of eyes provide the power for the visual sense. Light travels almost instantaneously while other mediums , like voice, are air-borne. Signals emitted by the sender are instantaneously received by the viewer.While sound and scent can collect their input from all directions and frequencies, sight is focused and specified. Urry mentions Simmel’s argument that â€Å"the eye is a unique ‘sociological achievement’† which â€Å"produces extraordinary moments of intimacy. † Uninterrupted interactions between the eyes carry â€Å"the history of their life and †¦the times dowry of nature. † These characteristics allows â€Å"the eye to [objectify] and [master]† more than the other senses. One could choose to close his eyes when the objects do not reach the expectation.Thus, vision possesses a seemingly superior ability to judge objects from specified angels. Another nature of the eye is that it can act as a delicate measuring tool that collects a vast amount of information. As Urry shows, the eye â€Å"sets a distance, and maintains a distanc e. † Consequently, this capacity to carry and discharge information â€Å"enables the world to be controlled at a distance, combining detachment and mastery† and communication between individuals â€Å"produces the ‘most complete reciprocity’ of person to person, face to face. In addition, Technology adds a new dimension to the existing complexity of visual dominance in the spatiality of sense. The implementation of modern technologies further enlarges the prioritizing of vision. Urry writes that â€Å"vision was given an especially powerful role in the modern era. † Cell phones, emails, and video chatting messengers, like Skype connect people wirelessly. Touch and smell no longer factor into the interactions such that it is no longer necessary for the physical presence of a person for communication.People seek increasingly greater standards for technologies that appeal to the visual sense. Modern innovations, for example, have advanced television f rom black-and-white to color to LED display to plasmid and recently to HDTV for ever improved visual experience. In contrast, there have been few advances in the auditory capabilities of modern inventions. The radio remains mostly unchanged through the past half century. The contrast between technological advances caters again to an assumed superiority of vision over the other sense. However, visuality has its limitations.We have abused the bestowed privilege while the human activities in modern society favor the development of visual sense. â€Å"According to Urry, â€Å"the city both is fascinated with, and hugely denigrates, the visual. † The moment the look dominates, the boy loses its materiality. † The mind becomes biased and receives false information about the truth as our eyes are more involved in working and recreational activities. For example, when shopping for luxury commodity, without â€Å"touching,† people sometimes believe in their visual judgme nt of the authenticity of the product.Besides, the eye turns vulnerable due to excessive usage. More and more people are optically corrected with glasses and contacts. Hand-free products grow multiplicatively popular thanks to its ability to dilution the burden of visual sense. Meanwhile, other senses are essential in that their importance is exemplified by the vast number of common expressions in daily speech. â€Å"Each sense gives rise to metaphors which attest to the relative importance of each within everyday life. People use expressions like â€Å"sounds good to me† and â€Å"it rings a bell,† attesting to the importance of the auditory realm. The auditory sense plays an important role in our learning process. From infancy, we are exposed mostly to sound while we are still â€Å"blind† about what is happening in the world. Then, we start to learn to talk by listening to our parents and are able to identify objects by connecting things we see with their au ditory equivalents. In school, lecturing is an indispensible portion of learning.Most students prefer learning from their instructors over reading the books and trying to understand the material. Furthermore, there are activities involving other senses that are insubstitutional by visuality. Music is a discipline in which visual sense is ineffective. Determining a keynote of melody, for some people, is an even more proficient mastery than visuality. Indeed, each division of the sensed system attempts to adapt to the evolving spatiality as the open societies become gradually civilized.Urry suggests that no matter which coordinates we use, â€Å"a threshold of effect of a particular sense which has to be met before another sense is operative. † This is not quite true. Multiple senses are certainly capable of coexisting in a parallel manner, and they should cooperate under a hierarchy between different senses. The concept â€Å"sensuous geography,† which connects together analyses of body, sense, and space,† should be introduced when examining the issue. The significance of the open societies is to encourage communication and mixture between senses and to achieve spatial complementarities.For instance, â€Å"sight is not seen as the noblest of the senses but as the most superficial, as getting in the way of real experiences that should involve other sense and necessitate much longer periods of time in order to be immerses in the site. † People have come up with approaches such that we can integrate the senses together to be truly reciprocal not within itself, but rather among the divisions to illustrate a decent understanding of city life that is composed. When someone visits a landscape, he or she can carry an electronic mobile auditory guide with them which plays an audio introduction of the spot.The device not only facilitates and enhances visual experience, but also alters the perception of the surrounding space for the tourist beca use â€Å"each sense contributes to people’s orientation in space. † Failure to do so may lead them to be insensitive and incapacitated. It is inevitable that the senses system has developed unequally as the open societies refine. Although visuality plays an essential role in city life, we ought not to overlook the rest of senses, such as previously discussed auditory sense. On the other hand, it is imperative to have a hierarchy for the five senses to operate cooperatively.Nevertheless, senses system may still remain stagnant in suburban cities, or closed societies, where people are not congested by technologies and crowds. Despite of their disparate spatiality and sensed environment, we shall consider the alternative account of sensing nature to assist our understanding of city life in open societies.Bibliography â€Å"City Life and the Senses. † Urry, John. A compaion to the city. Blackwell Publishing, 200. 388-397. Wikipeadia. 27 9 2008 <http://en. wikipe dia. org/wiki/Auditory_learning>.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Microwavable frozen foods

United States and China had been seemingly a stable economic partner since years ago. Trades were often made between these two big countries hence China became the third economic partner of US. And also became second in terms of exports to the US. On the other hand, exports were also given to Chin. It is simply stated that China and US were mutual in economic relations.In the Case of Microwavable Frozen Foods that we wish to export to China. The goal is to have great trade by having great facilitation on the trade that will be occurring between China and US on the exports to be presented by China(Richelson). There is really the need of understanding the wellness of good trade facilitation as well as the neediness of the good for the target company.A good must be considered really consumable for the consumers of the company.   A good trade facilitation would lead efficiently to the smoothly flow of the transactions as well as simplifying the process, documentation and information to be held during the transactions. Smooth flow of transaction may lead to lessen burdens especially with the cost of business trade and great security and control. Being an international trade, during the transaction there must be some factors to be considered the contract to be made regarding the border and custom issues and transport services.When dealing with international trade, awareness to the business transaction made is a great factor to have high performance in the business world(My Own Business). In the export of microwavable frozen foods, we should consider the type of product that we wish to present to our trade partner by ensuring a highly rated product to achieve mutual pleasures between your partner and the exporter yourself.Contracts should be also one of the necessary materials in doing international transactions even only locally. A contract can ensure that your goods will be at good or it is naturally needed for the development on good partnership. Indeed, contacts are capable for the mistakes that would possibly do during the transaction and trade. With contracts, trade partner were both attain benefits especially during fault and blunder for the transactions. With contacts, both parties are well secured for the deal and companies as well be secured.When dealing only with the company for the transaction to be made, there is also the need to understand and to be aware of the country’s laws for any exports to be received by the company within the country. It is the responsibility as a exporter to perceive all necessary transaction procedures to be made.The exportation must be guided according to the Border and Customs ruling of China where our business partner was located(McIntyre). This method of knowing more about borders and custom rulings will improve the efficiency of the trade as well as run smoothly due to conformity to the rule. There was also sometimes that before making the transaction, there is a need for the presence of any business related offices as well as security offices for the importing country to manage the trade simultaneously and secured.Regarding with this, the paper document as well as the good must be presented first to the clients together with their business lawyers for the preparation of good del and agreement to be held in the near future. With the help of each lawyers of both parties, deal and agreements will be efficiently be made and completed. Prior to the aid of lawyers, the risks of ignorance to the deal and agreement will be merely obliterated.Financing the exportations of goods was truly beneficial as well as other requirements such as contract and agreement. Any financing requirement must be fulfilled eagerly for the progress for the progress of the transactions(Co.). Because making a great transaction is relevant for the payment of your exported Goods. Cost of good also should be considered, because the target company was not only making agreement with one exporting company.A ttractive and competitive pricing of Goods should be recognized as looking for the business as a competitive one. Because they were not only dealing with us, we must consider other rivals pricing or cost of good to be able to cope up with the competition in the world of business most likely in the world of exportations. As a response to other goods prices, we can offer credits and extend their payment dues and this will enable our transaction that would take place in place of other exporters.Regarding with the international trade there still one important thing that should be discussed; this is the American Depository receipt or ADR. This is simply known to be non other than share of stocks acquired by non US companies for their trade with US Company(Kamlet and Regnery). This is an efficient way of handling trade of non US Company with us because they can acquire share of stocks that can be invested when any trade was made between our company and theirs. This is a great help to them if they wishes to stock trade in any US stock exchange.Being an exporting company, these were truly considerable facts and details that we be looking upon when dealing with our clients especially in abroad. Having knowledge with these things would remarkably a great sense of competition that would further be accomplished. Paying attention to the client’s yearning and yearning would be capable for us to manifest a good business performance alongside with other big companies surrounding us. Preparing for these activities such as trading would not be as tough if we consider all the things of factors of a good and competitive business and also it will help lessen any risks for any transactions to be made.Work Cited:Co., Unz &. â€Å"Financing Export Transactions.† 1999.Kamlet, Art, and George Regnery. â€Å"Stocks – American Depositary Receipts.†Ã‚   (2002).McIntyre, Doug. â€Å"Investing in China.†Ã‚   (2007).My Own Business, Inc. â€Å"Internationa l Trade.† 2007.Richelson, Jeffrey T. â€Å"China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998 †Ã‚   (1999).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom McDonald’s essay

buy custom McDonald’s essay The McDonalds chain of restaurants does business in more than 122 countries worldwide. Their customer base has been increasing over time, and today, the data show that one McDonalds restaurant serves more than 50000 customers per day (Jakle, Sculle, 1999). About 70 percent of the total number of the McDonalds restaurants in the world has been taken over and owned by private investors. The global strategy of the company does not focus only on establishing restaurants but on offering a wide range of valuable things and services that help in boosting the revenues. In almost all McDonalds restaurants, the customers are able to eat in a comfortable and pleasant environment. This ranges from both indoor to outdoor seating arrangements at the comfort of the customer. The set of services offered by McDonalds varies depending on the location of the restaurant. This is caused by the fact that some services may not be comfortable in highly-populated areas, where people look for space. Data and Information McDonalds Company mostly focuses on revealing factors that are considered to be disadvantageous to the business. Being a fast food industry located in different parts worldwide, there are several views that have been given by key players in the industry with regard to their contribution to the global wellbeing of the society, the quality of their services, health hazards, promotion of its products, and health competition with its competitors. The first concern has been raised by environmental experts. Since it is a restaurant, there is a possibility that wastes that it produces are detrimental to the environment. First, the industry uses non-recycled materials to pack food for their customers. The customers may then use and dispose them without putting into consideration the damage they are causing to the environment. McDonalds has realised that they play a critical role in influencing the way of life and world that humanity will live in the future. It has, therefore, used the data collected by environmental experts to seek lasting solutions for environmental problems that may be caused by their current operations globally (Mattern, 2011). A post on the McDonalds website claimed that McDonalds is intended to improve the industry in order to make sure that the environment is well taken care of. It also had some ways that have been proposed and laid down as the convenient means of meetingthe needs, while saving on the cost involved in environmental health. An example of the proposal is the use of cup sleeves to replace the current double cupping. The other innovation is the use of the birch wood for coffee stirrers. Today, the plastic sticks are used for stirring coffee, which are disposable but irreclaimable. These proposals are far less expensive and are able to mitigate the current environmental threats that are faced in the society. This data and information has been employed by McDonalds and used to look into the environmental effects and guard the livelihood of the future generations. McDonalds chains of restaurants are well-known all over the world. Since its founding, citizens have been aware of its products and services. Numerous entrepreneurs are much focused on owning the McDonalds franchise. This is because the brand comes with its own customers, and, therefore, it saves time and money for an entrepreneur. He or she will not need to do any type of marketing and spend extra money. The products are also centralized, and it makes it easy for one to continue the business. Since the society is dynamic, it is essential for the company to survey customers views on their products annually, so that they can be aware of the changes and improvements that need to be introduced in the sector. McDonalds was founded some years ago, and the tastes of its customers were different from the current preferences of people. Fast food restaurants have been associated with obesity. Numerous researches show that eating in a fast food restaurant increases the chances that an individual will get obese. With these trends, people tend to shy away from the fast food restaurants as they seek to look after their health. Shying away from the fast food restaurants will result in decreasing the sales for the company. McDonalds being one of the fast food restaurants faces the same challenge (Gilbert, Gilbert, 2009). Through getting data and information on the risks posed by their food, and recommendations from various experts, the restaurant should diversify the range of products they offer. For example, adding fruit or any other healthy foods to the diet may be cheap and will serve as a tool of increasing the companys income. McDonalds should also offer some recreational facilities that allow customers to enjoy exercising, while burning fat calories that have been gained when eating in the restaurant. They should a lso encourage their customers to place orders where they wwill be given the recommended package of each type of food at a low figure. McDonalds is a restaurant chain that should look into the adoption of new technology in dealing with various issues. For example, they should advertise their location in various parts of the world so as to avail its services to many customers and make more sales. Through the same site, they should encourage their customers to post their views and feedbacks on how some of their services should be improved to meet the demands of the changing society. They should also post on their websites information on ways to be used by the interested parties to own a franchise. Provision of relevant information about the services offered in the restaurant is essential in boosting sales and increasing business activity of McDonalds. The company should employ the modern means to take orders from customers. The business should study the tastes and preferences of the todays customers. With this data at hand, they will be able to develop new products and services appropriate and claimed by the future generation. For example, since almost every individual has a mobile phone, the company should design a system where customers will be able to place their orders via the mobile phone application. McDonalds should aim at being always the best. It should look into the quality of their services in order to leave behind their business rivals, such as Burger King, which is one of the leading fast food restaurants in the world. Healthy competition ensures that there is high quality of services offered to customers and a stable customer base. The most crucial activity that is detrimental to the operations of McDonalds is security of the information that the customers provide. It should be guarded with care, and information leakage may affect the McDonalds business. Conclusion McDonalds has since its foundation undergone a tremendous growth. It has moved from being a family business to a globally operating chain of the fast food restaurants. Many entrepreneurs seek to be a part of the business. Utilization of data and personal information is a boost in the sector (Gould, 2000). Today, the company works hard at every aspect of its operations, in order to keep pace with the shifting demands of customers worldwide. Technological advancements and professional operations have assisted in meeting the needs of the globally spread customers base. Buy custom McDonald’s essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

9 Resume Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb by Lauren Gartner

9 Resume Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb 9 Resume Mistakes That Make You Look Dumb What is a resume? It is not something you send out that lists your job experience and your educational background, in the hopes that someone will read it and think you might be good for an interview. A resume is a marketing tool, and you have to get into the â€Å"feel† of marketing if you are going to sell yourself on a piece of paper. Resume Designs and Formats Resume designs have changed, and you can change your design based upon the type of organization to which you are applying – conservative, moderate, fairly progressive, and â€Å"out there.† These are things you can learn about anywhere. The other thing about resumes today is that you can format your background information in several different ways – you don’t have to go with the standard chronological order necessarily. Again, you can find examples of all types of formats online, and really good recommendations about which to use dependent upon your circumstances and the organizations to which you are applying. Dumb Mistakes You may have the greatest, most-eye-catching design and the perfect format fit for a position opening, but if you make any of these dumb mistakes, your work will find its next home in â€Å"resume heaven.† Putting an Objective at the Top of Your Resume Objectives are meaningless because they do not speak to what you can offer the organization; they only speak to what you want. A potential employer doesn’t care about what you want. S/he wants someone who can be a problem-solver for the organization. If you must have a headline, and those are good to have sometimes, make it about the specific position and what you can bring to that position. Long Prose and Sentences Think about it. When you want to read something quickly, what do you want to see? You want to see short sentences and phrases, bullet points, and really important stuff in bold or underlined. A reviewer of our resume is no different. Fast-track your accomplishments with action verbs, phrases, and bullets. Linking to All of Your Social Media Accounts Who cares if you are on Facebook – so is half the human race. If a potential employer wants to access your page, s/he will. Now, if you have a really great LinkedIn profile or an online portfolio, then that is quite another story. Definitely, link to those. Grammatical Errors and Typos Your college professors didn’t like grammar mistakes, and resume reviewers don’t either. You look either really lazy or compositionally challenged. You don’t want to â€Å"look† either. So, check your resume a bunch of times for any English mistakes and have somebody else check it too. Lying You certainly want to paint yourself as someone who has accomplished a lot, especially in those specific areas included in the job posting. But overstating your accomplishments, exaggerating your educational performance, stating you resigned when you were terminated – these things have a way of catching up, especially when background checks, references, and online research can reveal so much. If you don’t want to say you were fired, don’t. You can talk about the circumstances during the interview if you are asked. Too Long Less is really more when it comes to resumes. Be concise, and brief. When you speak to accomplishments, stop with the laundry lists. Include those that directly relate to the position you are seeking. If there isn’t a really good fit, then list the most significant ones. There will be time to speak to the others during an interview if they become relevant. Good rule of thumb: If you don’t have a lot of employment experience, one page is the max; if you are a more seasoned professional with several positions and/or a number of years of employment, two pages should be the max. Same Words Over and Over How many times can you say â€Å"developed,† or â€Å"organized,† or â€Å"lead,† or â€Å"produced?† In a resume, the answer is many! Find some synonyms for words that you are using over and over again – maybe some that â€Å"pop† or add some â€Å"sparkle.† Using Passive Voice You want to give the impression that you take action; you do that with action verbs. All accomplishments that you list should begin with an action verb (not the word â€Å"I† either). â€Å"Increased sales by 15% over a period of one quarter;† â€Å"Created new marketing strategies which increased conversions by 46%.† Now you’re an action figure! Failure to Customize If you don’t customize your resume for each position, using keywords that will be picked up by automated screening tools, then you won’t look dumb to someone reviewing your resume. Your resume will never make it to that someone at all. Any reader can pick out generic resumes – they are vague and do not speak to specifics of the position s/he has available – deleted! Use the information available to you regarding design and format. Then go through this list and make sure that you are not committing the fatal errors that will kill your chances for an interview.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Steps for Editing Your Own Writing

10 Steps for Editing Your Own Writing 10 Steps for Editing Your Own Writing 10 Steps for Editing Your Own Writing By Mark Nichol You’ve done it. You’ve finally, triumphantly, typed out â€Å"The End.† Congratulations! Now comes the hard part: revision. Revising is often more laborious than the writing process itself, but it’s essential assuming, that is, that you want your writing to get published. Whether you write nonfiction, fiction, or poetry, you must evaluate your own writing and transform it from something that is complete but nothing more to something that is completely compelling. The process will involve multiple task-specific passes (not necessarily in the order presented) intended to achieve various goals. Let’s get you started: 1. Wait Oops hold on. Not yet. You deserve a break. Step away from the computer. Give yourself a few days to let your win sink in. Pursue another writing project, perhaps, or catch up on the rest of your life, before circling back and manipulating your manuscript. One exception: If you have not written a synopsis or an abstract, do it now, before you revise your work. If, after reading the manuscript, you realize that you didn’t write out what you set out to write, decide whether the precis is precisely what you wanted, or whether the finished product is the real deal. 2. Hands Off Read the entire manuscript without changing anything or, at the most, make notes about major fixes or other key corrections for later attention. Shift from your writer mode to your reader setting. Remember, you tackled this writing project because nobody else would (or you thought you could do it better, or at least differently), so now it’s time to read it from cover page to conclusion (because you followed my advice from a previous post to not do that until you were finished, right?). Some people recommend printing your piece out in hard copy because they claim that you notice the details more when you read your work in print, but that’s impractical for a 100,000-word novel, and some people are more comfortable with on-screen reading than others, so take or leave that advice. 3. Parts of Speech Focus, one type at a time, on the parts of speech: Notice nouns, and choose more precise terms and employ elegant variation. Is one of your characters a pirate? Refer to them as a corsair, a buccaneer, or an adventurer now and then. Use a dictionary with synonyms listed, or a thesaurus or a synonym finder. Veer from your verbs, finding opportunities to use more vivid, compelling action words. Resist the urge to go overboard, especially with variations of â€Å"he said† (which you should minimize in dialogue as much as possible anyway by using narrative to identify the speaker), but don’t let your characters get away with walking have them stroll, strut, stalk, amble, caper, or mince instead. Search for forms of â€Å"to be† (is, are, was, were) and strive for more active sentence construction: â€Å"She looked in and saw that he was idly handling the device† becomes â€Å"She peered in to find him fiddling with the gadget.† Attack adjectives and adverbs. Don’t omit them without justification, but do make sure they’re not a crutch for your unwillingness to enhance descriptive language in other ways. Instead of referring to a hazy sky, describe how it reminds the character of when she used to play around the house as a child wearing a veil. Rather than mentioning a slowly flowing river as such, tell the reader about how it doesn’t seem in a particular hurry to get anywhere. Are you sure you know the precise meaning of every word you use? As you read, be alert for terms whether newly acquired or long since adopted that may not express what you think they do, and look them up to confirm or deny your suspicion. 4. Sentence Structure Are your sentences particularly complicated and convoluted, or notably short and stubby? Don’t strive for a strictly limited word range, but minimize outliers: Sentences with a word count you can tabulate on the fingers of one hand should have a punctuating purpose. Sentences that last an entire paragraph need to be snipped into palatable pieces. Are your sentences generally active? Passive sentences are used by great writers, but you and they both know that too many sentences structured that way produce an enervating effect. Also, parenthetical phrases are better inserted mid-sentence than tacked on at the end; save the last position for the impact. The same goes for paragraphs which, by the way, should be cloven in two if they’re more than ten or twelve lines in a Word document half of that for Web-bound words. And unless you’re consciously incorporating iambic pentameter, beware of sentence rhythms that may subconsciously sap readers’ energy. Too much alliteration (guilty) or assonance can weary the most dedicated reader. You’re writing prose or poetry, not constructing an obstacle or dog-agility course. 5. Deemphasize Emphasis Do you use â€Å"scare quotes†? Frighten them away. Italics? Too many are an eyesore and weaken the cumulative impact. Exclamation points? Omit unless OMGs are also part of the package an exclamation point can be a crutch that takes the place of high-impact prose. 6. Tone and Voice Eloquent literature has been laden with slang, and serious nonfiction writing can be laced with humor. But honestly appraise your writing for its personality. If you’re writing a how-to, you can be conversational, but don’t throw away your authority with your austerity. If you’re writing period fiction, be alert for anachronisms. Do a word check. Are you concerned that perhaps you use a particular word too often? Do a search, and if you find it liberally sprinkled throughout your manuscript, cull it so that it appears with reasonable frequency. 7. Reconstruction You may find as you read for some other purpose that a major structural flaw exists: In fiction, you may decide to add an adventure or subtract a subplot or alter the sequence of plot elements or at least the order in which they appear if you shift from one plot thread to one or more others. Your nonfiction piece may cry out for a major reorganization. You might decide to insert instructions or develop details, or discard a digression. Don’t hesitate to undertake significant revisions like these. Yes, you’ve spent a lot of time getting your manuscript to where it is now, but that doesn’t mean it’s where it should be. Go with your instincts. 8. Keywords Now is the time you really search inside yourself about whether your hero’s name really fits them, or whether they kick back with one too many sidekicks or could really use a new nemesis. Or maybe a place name seems out of place, or the term for a talisman is too tortuous. Are your chapter titles or subheadings really working for you, or are you trying too hard to line them up with some grammatical gimmick? 9. Recite Makes Right Just when you think you’ve finally nailed it, read it one more time aloud. A recitation lets you listen to the rhythm of your writing and catch any clunky or laboriously long sentences you missed or words you omitted. 10. Editor’s Notes Now, it’s time to send your manuscript out into the world, but unless you’re self-publishing in print or online, an editor is in its future and, likely, so is a revision on your part based on the editor’s comments. But you’re also likely to get focused requests for rewrites, so though you may feel by now that you never want to read it again, take heart that you have some direction. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and ToesRound vs. Around20 Tips to Improve your Writing Productivity

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Law - S 18 of the Australian Consumer Law within the Essay - 2

Business Law - S 18 of the Australian Consumer Law within the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (ACL) - Essay Example The ACL also presents several consumer guarantees within the terms of sale of goods (Morandin & Smith, 2011). Under it, suppliers have rights of selling any goods of their preference while such goods are accompanied by clear titles. The consumers will embrace undisturbed possession for the goods purchased and that such goods remain free from any undisclosed securities, encumbrances, or charges. The goods are to be of acceptable quality meaning that they will be safe, free from defects, and durable. They will have acceptable appearances and finishes as well as fitness for the purposes that they are supplied. The goods are to be reasonably fit to all disclosed purposes meaning that such goods continue performing the function for which consumers was informed they would (Carter, 2011). The goods will have to instil a correspondence with their description and the demonstration model or sample in terms of quality, condition, and state. The manufacturers will induce reasonably available facilities regarding repair of such goods as well as parts for goods. Lastly, the goods will have to be compliant with express warranties made or given, such as extra promises presented. This aspect draws together key elements of the components in relation to the business interactions. It also draws much attention towards the extensive overlapping of deceptive conduct or misleading provisions through the vast forms of federal statutes. Currently, there are practical dangers that various business engagements such as green washing as it deter the consumers through the selection or purchase of green services or products (Mitchell & Greco, 2011). It is because most of them they feel an inability to trust assertions placed forth by retailers and manufacturers on the products and services. It could cause stifle across marketing and development opportunities for the companies that are genuinely green. The

Friday, October 18, 2019

Target market of wine coolesrs in argentina Essay

Target market of wine coolesrs in argentina - Essay Example They are the teenagers who like to drink such wine coolers so that they can look cool, trendy and hip. It is essentially a style statement that they like to carry with them so that they can be taken as lively and attractive at all times. The focus for the wine cooler business should therefore rest on individuals who like to move ahead with life on the go. They are exploring new things, finding novel pathways and understanding the intricacies related with style and comfort. Within Argentina, the target market would include both male and female drinkers since they are within the teenager category. They like to drink such wine coolers so that they can be considered ‘in’ and trendy more than any other opinion that can be made out of them. The target market therefore is very essential to estimate before the business can be opened up and the people are offered the wine coolers for their purchase. If the primary target market is analyzed and locked upon properly within Argentina, it is always easier to know what the secondary and tertiary target markets would be for the sake of the wine cooler business. Since the wine coolers do not fall essentially under the category of the wine itself, they can be drunk by individuals who are not into hard drinks. This is the reason why people who are not into drinking can be taken as the right target market, and hence all out efforts could be made to sell the wine cooler products towards them (Author Unknown, 2011). The business would then be narrowed down in terms of finding and then sending the wine coolers to the exact target audiences. There would be minimal wastage which is any business’ dream in this day and age. In the past as well, wine coolers have been made at home so the element of starting a new business could be seen as something that can take place at a very low level. The important thing is to know the exact target market so that the wine

Europe as an Optimal Currency Area Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Europe as an Optimal Currency Area - Essay Example The debate about Europe as optimum currency area as an important and heated point of discussion for the economic experts and analysts and there have been different standpoints presented by the experts to regard and disregard Europe as optimum currency area. The main elements identified within the definition of optimum currency area could effectively work to decide if any region could be regarded as optimum currency area or not. Likewise, Europe could also be evaluated as an optimum currency area by looking at some specific criteria like asymmetric shocks, degree of openness, international factor mobility, labour mobility, fiscal transfer, product diversification and trade and business cycles similarities etc. (Krugman and Obsrfeld, p98) The economy and labour market of Europe has been analysed by the experts from these perspective very frequently and most of the analysis and observations have concluded with the results that Europe could not be regarded as an optimum currency area bec ause it does not completely complies with the criteria set for the OCA. However, it is also a fact that most of the economic experts and analysts believe that Europe has great potential to become an OCA and in coming few years the situation would be evolved where Europe will head to appear as an OCA (McKinnon, p173). The experts arguing against the status of Europe as OCA put forward the evidences in support of their stance. It is found that free mobility of labour within the regions of Europe is not high. The labour mobility in Europe has been recorded one third of the mobility found in United States. It implies that Europe lag behind in proving itself as area of free labour mobility. Similarly it is also found that Europe is yet to establish system for extensive and automotive intra-European fiscal transfers and currently there are not enough fiscal transfers between the European countries that it could be regarded as OCA. The existence of common currency is also an important char acteristic of optimum currency area. It is imperative that the OCA should have one central bank to manage all the monitory policies in the region and the member countries use to follow the same policy as formulated and implemented by the central bank of the region. There should be single currency with fixed exchange rate system. The launch of Euro is often cited as an evidence to prove Europe as OCA however, it is also a fact that despite the use of common currency the European countries yet to have common monitory policies and they need more time to create common fiscal and monitory policies like that of an OCA (Tavlas, p211). The degree of commodities' market integration within the union members also determines the optimum currency area. In Europe, there are some countries like Britain where there is higher level of reliance upon the export of high technology commodities whereas there is also large proportion of owner occupiers in the country links with the variable interest rates (Tavlas, p211). It implies that the market integration does not take place in similar production strategies among the members of the union but there are differences in the exports and import patterns of the countries. This trend also evident that Europe is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Data Communication Using the Top-Down Approach Essay - 2

Data Communication Using the Top-Down Approach - Essay Example According to Hicks (2004), this the top down emphasizes on planning as well as a total understanding of the system and in this case coding does not begin until a sufficient level of detail has been attained. This design was promoted by Harlan Mils who was an IBM researcher and Niklaus Wirth in the 1970s. Â  Equity first a mortgage brokerage company located in New England has a centralized operations center. This center which is located in Exeter, New Hampshire, is the center of all operations and it, therefore, controls all the operations of the other ten branches in Maine and Massachusetts. It is also the administrative center as it hosts departments such as accounting, human resources, executive management, and support staff. The operations center maintains a central database used to store customer information, such as loan applications, credit check information, and approval status. This fulfills the first requirement that the top-down model needs to have a central office that manages all the operations. Â  Computer networking using the top-down approach focuses on new short interlude and eventual ‘putting it all together’ that follows the coverage of the network, data link layers, transport awe well as application (Hicks 2004). Each office at Equity first is now self-reliant as they do not rely on the main office to ensure maintenance as well as effective communication. It is also responsible for the decrease in errors when it comes to operations hence no delays or breaks downs in communication takes place because each operation takes place separately. It is also quite easy to maintain because the errors are few and are easy to identify and correct.

Ethics and Professionalism in Medicine-Journal Essay

Ethics and Professionalism in Medicine-Journal - Essay Example In addition, when the time arrives to be finally seen to the doctor, the doctor is in sort of a hurry. Professionalism seems to be on the verge of being none at all in such situations. Hence, I posed a question concerning the care of the patient as to why they are neglected. The answer was that the patient is concerned about himself alone while, the doctor and the nurse also have other patients to tend to. This becomes stressful and although they try to balance it in every way there comes a time when it just slips out of their control. Although I didn’t find this explanation helpful, it can be justifiable. Relating another example, Cindy, a nurse was confused as to why a patient was behaving the way he was but instead of stopping and asking, she thought it better to send him for his tests. As she didn’t stop and think the reason behind the patient’s particular behavior; this makes the patient defensive and unwilling in return. There can be several reasons behind verbally abusive patient; it might be the pain, a psychological aspect or it can be the injury itself. It is important for the doctor and nurse to be aware of the patients’ weaknesses. Another aspect of ethics dangling on the borderline, I witnessed was that in some cases, the patient demanded as to why the information about him was given to his family without his consent. Or why he wasn’t aware of the disease he had. There are no steadfast rules regarding that but a viewpoint suggest that the patient has the right to know and to hold out information to anyone he want to. Here, ethics also deal with the coding that is done in order to safeguard a patient’s identity. In the hospital, I saw that coding is better than the conventional system as it gives assurance to the patient. A particular case which stuck in my mind was that a patient was willing to go through a surgery not as yet an area of expertise for the doctor. There were high risks but the patient was adamant. They finally decided

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Data Communication Using the Top-Down Approach Essay - 2

Data Communication Using the Top-Down Approach - Essay Example According to Hicks (2004), this the top down emphasizes on planning as well as a total understanding of the system and in this case coding does not begin until a sufficient level of detail has been attained. This design was promoted by Harlan Mils who was an IBM researcher and Niklaus Wirth in the 1970s. Â  Equity first a mortgage brokerage company located in New England has a centralized operations center. This center which is located in Exeter, New Hampshire, is the center of all operations and it, therefore, controls all the operations of the other ten branches in Maine and Massachusetts. It is also the administrative center as it hosts departments such as accounting, human resources, executive management, and support staff. The operations center maintains a central database used to store customer information, such as loan applications, credit check information, and approval status. This fulfills the first requirement that the top-down model needs to have a central office that manages all the operations. Â  Computer networking using the top-down approach focuses on new short interlude and eventual ‘putting it all together’ that follows the coverage of the network, data link layers, transport awe well as application (Hicks 2004). Each office at Equity first is now self-reliant as they do not rely on the main office to ensure maintenance as well as effective communication. It is also responsible for the decrease in errors when it comes to operations hence no delays or breaks downs in communication takes place because each operation takes place separately. It is also quite easy to maintain because the errors are few and are easy to identify and correct.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Scientific Management was the product of 19th Century industrial Essay - 3

Scientific Management was the product of 19th Century industrial practices and has no relevance to the present day. Discuss - Essay Example This term was also used to refer to any organizational system that precisely brought out the functions of groups and individuals. Further, scientific management can be used to describe situations where jobs are categorized and people perform recurring tasks. Background of Taylorism In the 19th century, there were widespread unplanned companies, decentralized management, casual relations among workers and employers, and informally defined job assignments in factory systems. By the end of this century, increased completion, new technologies, demands from regimes and labor agencies, and a developing consciousness by the elites had motivated attempts to advance business and management. All these developments were aimed at initiating cautiously defined processes and risks, which were later referred to by historians as â€Å"systematic management† since they involved a careful study of individuals at work (Cumo 77). The key figure behind this innovation was an engineer based in Amer ica, who was also a management theorist and a discoverer, Fredrick W. Taylor. Taylor was born in 1856 in a Philadelphia family. He began his career in a machine shop in a steel Company in 1878 where he quickly gained experience and started initiating new methods. After approximately ten years, he invented several technical and organizational innovations such as a technique of timing employees with a stopwatch to work out best times. By the 1890s, Taylor had been recognized as the most determined and dynamic advocate of systematic management. He further introduced accounting systems that he became a consultant of the same. This system allowed the use of operating records by managers with greater efficiency, which later became production systems that enlightened managers more accurately on what was happening in the factory, control workers and their tasks, piece-rate models to motivate following of instructions by workers, and various other advancements. A couple of inventions played a big role in the creation of the scientific management theory. The invention of high-speed-steel enhanced the performance of metal-cutting tools, and attempts to initiate systematic techniques resulted in an incorporated view of innovation in management. By 1901, Taylor had styled systematic management to scientific management (Cumo 78). From the actions of Taylor’s career, it is evident that systematic management was closely related to scientific management. They shared origins, liked by similar people, and shared objectives. The distinctions between them also were clear. Systematic management was distributive and practical, some isolated approaches that did not make a larger whole (Sapru 92). On the other hand, scientific management contributed important details and an understandable point of view. Taylor decided to promote the two systems in 1902 when he got out of Bethlehem. The American Society journal first published Taylor’s first documentation on his vocation, â€Å"shop management† in 1903, which was ranked as an inclusive collection of systematic management techniques. In the year 1910, Traylor was involved in scandals with rough enemies of scientific management. In response to the controversies, Taylor came up with a new approach to his system, which he named â€Å"The Principles of Scientific Management.† In this account, he really embraced the term â€Å"Scientific Management† as used it to symbolize the whole system. He argued

Jet Airways Essay Example for Free

Jet Airways Essay Naresh Goyal, who already owned JetAir (Private) Limited (which provided sales and marketing for foreign airlines in India) took advantage of this opportunity by setting up Jet Airways as a fullservice scheduled airline that would give competition to state-owned Indian Airlines. Indian Airlines had enjoyed a monopoly in the domestic market between 1953, when all major Indian air transport providers were nationalised under the Air Corporations Act (1953), and January 1994, when the Air Corporations Act was repealed, following which Jet Airways received scheduled airline status. Jet Airways’ 45 destinations include most of the big cities in India. International destinations include Kathmandu, Colombo, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Londons Heathrow Airport, Bangkok, Brussels and Newark. Jet Airways was the first private airline in India to fly to international destinations. It started international operations in March 2004 between Chennai and Colombo after it had been cleared by the Government of India to operate scheduled services to international destinations. MACRO ENVIRONMENT FACTORS: Economic Economic environment of India and world affects the airline industry to a great extent. Factors like fluctuations in global fuel prices, exchange rates, slowdown etc have varying impact on the way Jet Airways has been operating in this sector. One of the most important aspect that has greatly affected the worlds transportation system is the high fuel price. Besides high taxes, jet fuel prices have become costlier than crude oil prices which have greatly affected the bottom-line for many airlines including Jet Airways. State taxes on ATF available through government agencies vary between 4% and 30%, making the fuel 30% to 50% costlier than the global average. In Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal, Maharashtra and Himachal Pradesh the cess is 25% or higher. The three listed airline companies – Jet Airways, Kingfisher and SpiceJet – all of which reported losses in the quarter ending December 2011, blamed rising ATF cost for their bad financial performance. In February 2012, the Centre gave a nod to direct import of ATF on a case-to-case basis But once airlines start importing ATF, traffic at the countrys congested ports is likely to increase, making matters worse for exporters and importers. Airlines will also have to factor in the cost of transporting ATF from the various ports in the country to airports around the country, something which could eventually lead to increase in the ATF cost. Jet Airways in its financial report has also indicated the losses that it has incurred due to rupee depreciation. It has been reported that revenue from exceptional items decreased by 61% from Rs. 18,919 lakhs in Fiscal 2011 to Rs. 7,319 lakhs in Fiscal 2012 mainly on account of depreciation of the Rupee against the Dollar in the current year. Even in the past Jet Airways has experienced slowdown because of global recession. In 2008 during recession, Jet Airways was forced to discontinue the following routes: Ahmedabad–London, Amritsar–London, Bangalore–Brussels and Mumbai–Shanghai– San Francisco. It also had to put an indefinite delay on its expansion plans. Naresh Goyal, Jet Airways promoter is unable to put in more funds via his holding company due to FDI restrictions. He holds 80% in Jet Airways through Tailwinds. He claims NRI status, where 100% ownership is allowed. However, Goyal’s investment is via Tailwinds, which is considered FDI by the Indian government. Tailwinds is registered in the Isle of Man. In India, only 49% FDI investment is permissible in aviation. Airline business is a complicated one and only airlines would be interested in investing domestic carriers. The government is looking at allowing foreign airlines to invest in domestic carriers but there would be no change in FDI cap of 49%. In this 49%, currently foreign airlines are not allowed to participate. So if this change happens then there would be inflow of funds from foreign airlines. The announcement of ECB (External Commercial Borrowing) with a limit $1 billion in the Budget 2012 will also give some relief to debt ridden airline companies. Shareholding Naresh Goyal 80% FII 6. 7% DII 7% Public hold 6. 3% Social The backbone of the airline industry is people. Individuals in the management, technical and crew are responsible for undertaking the task of serving their customers with utmost care and excellence. These individuals are trained and tailored to the industrys needs before they are allowed to work. They need to meet certain standards of service and technical knowledge designed to satisfy the customers. For this reason the players invest millions of dollars to improve the knowledge of their workers. Jet Airways plans to set up a marketing services firm and launch an aviation training academy, with a total investment of Rs 1 crore. The proposal is, however, subjected to regulatory approvals, including those from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board and the Reserve Bank of India. The proposed academy would be based in Mumbai and offer certificate courses in in-flight services, ticket reservation and check-in services, according to a brochure brought out for the institute. Operations in the northeast are guided by the governments Route Dispersal Guidelines (RDG) which entails that all Indian carriers fly to the northeast and other remote parts of the country, more so as a social obligation. After posting a loss of Rs 298 crore in the last quarter, Jet Airways has sought government clearance to scale down its flights to the northeastern region by about half to stem the losses. Technological Technological factors in macroenvironment are the most dramatic forces in changing the market place. They help the business to create new products and harness new opportunities. Jet Airways makes strategic use of the latest technology to interact with passengers at a global level. Its significant presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Flickr ensures increase in awareness and reach of the company brand. The companys growth on the social media networking platform has been noteworthy registering an exponential increase in the number of followers and fans on Twitter and Facebook. In the coming year, the Company aims to introduce state-of-the-art mobile applications for Android, iPhone, BlackBerry and Windows mobile phones. These applications will provide passengers with a convenient and seamless option to book tickets, check-in, access their JetPrivilege account etc. using their mobile phones. Additionally, the Company intends to commence the use of 2D Mobile Bar-coded boarding passes for guests who have checked-in for their flights, thus providing a paperless travel experience. Political In India, one can never over-look the political factors which influence each and every industry existing in the country. Like it or not, the political interference has to be present everywhere. Given below are a few of the political factors with respect to the airline industry: The airline industry is very susceptible to changes in the political environment. One instance of Government Policy resulting in great uncertainty is the fact that the Indian Government has not allowed foreign airlines to participate in FDI in aviation as yet. So the airline industry, which is currently facing draught of funds can still not expect foreign players to chip in. International airlines are greatly affected by trade relations that their country has with others. Unless governments of the two countries trade with each other, there could be restrictions of flying into particular area leading to a loss of potential air traffic (e. g. Pakistan India) Political factors can also affect the day-to-day working of the airline industry. For instance, in 2009, Jet Airways announced plans to lay-off 1800 employees that were undergoing probation with the Company. What happened was a PR disaster for the Airline. First the laid off employees suddenly became socialist in their approach and later went a step further managing to politicize the whole matter by seeking support from MNSs Raj Thackeray. Other parties and sundry ministers then followed the suit and jumped into the bandwagon, until the Jet Management had to revert the decision and ask laid off employees to join the duty back. Legal and Regulatory Operating in a cross border network of alliances and partnerships, multinational companies like Jet airways are subject to international and national regulations in terms of assignment of routes and destinations; international aviation regulations; partners legal standing as well as local laws. These constraints not only leave little room for airlines to operate but are also the sources for its highly efficient value chain. Another aspect is industrial relations. Personnel in the airlines industry from pilots to cabin crew to technicians everyone work in the capacity and provisions given by the laws prevalent globally. For this reason, everyone is cognizant of their rights to legal aid if required. Since most of the airline personnel in the world have associations and unions they tend to have an upper hand over management. The management therefore has to comply with their demands if it is within the capacity of the law Not only is this but the airlines also subject to strict safety, hygiene and efficient regulations. Airlines that do not deliver services according to international standards do not only lose out in the competition but are also subjected to aviation penalties. The principal regulatory authority that regulates the civil aviation sector in India is the Director General of Civil Aviation, or DGCA. To operate scheduled services in India, an airline requires an operating permit from the DGCA. This permit is required to be renewed on a year-to-year basis. An airline incorporated in India and operating scheduled services is also required to register all its aircraft with the DGCA, save and except aircraft which are wet leased. On July 10 2012 aviation regulator E K Bharat Bhushan was abruptly removed from his key position in the backdrop of his tough stance against debt-ridden Kingfisher Airlines over its failure to pay salaries to its employees. Newly-appointed chief of the Directorate-General of Civil Aviation Prashant Sukul on 13th July 2012 asked all airlines to strictly adhere to prescribed safety standards. Demographics Indian aviation industry promises huge growth potential due to large and growing middle class population, favorable demographics, rapid economic growth, higher disposable incomes, rising aspirations of the middle class, and overall low penetration levels (less than 3%). Few prominent factors we need to look at from demographics perspective: Working age population India is blessed with a young and growing population. India has amongst the best demographic ratio globally and this would continue to improve over next three to four decades. As compared to children and elderly, a relatively higher percentage of the earning population travels by air to save working hours and for business. The rising proportion of people of working age also implies higher disposable income as pressure on household for the needs of dependent children elderly comes down. Both the above factors along with a growing working age population would lead to higher demand for air travel. Exploding Middle Class McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) predicts that the India’s middle class will reach 583 million from the current 50 million by 2025. With this exploding middle class the demand for air travel is bound to go up in a unidirectional way. Nuclear families increase Increasing VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) Travel The traditional ‘joint-family’ system in India is rapidly breaking up. With increasing expenses and with more people migrating to cities for work, people are increasingly opting for nuclear and small families. This trend of smaller families has also bought a change to their lifestyles, with friends relatives visiting more frequently and families taking more vacations – implying greater frequency of travel. Air travel is finding a growing proportion of this additional travel, with smaller families making air travel for the entire family more affordable. Increasing Employment Growing employment means higher disposable income, more business travel and higher opportunity cost of travel time. All these contribute to higher demand for air travel. Increasing Leisure Travel Tourism accounts only for 2. 5% of India’s GDP, versus 6% in Asia Pacific and 5. 3% in China. However this ratio is fast changing with India emerging amongst the fast growing tourism destinations in the world.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Acoustic Design in Architecture

Acoustic Design in Architecture Introduction The purpose of this report is to produce a design scheme for the conversion of a large room to a multi use theatre. The report will present the necessary things that need to be considered to ensure a satisfactory acoustic environment by measuring the problems encountered with acoustic design and how to tackle them. The report will look at the problems related to this space and present possible solutions and recommendations based on the information available. Initial plan As in every case, this room presents its own unique set of problems, which involve very common factors such as the shape and size of the room, the intended use of the space, the budget and the basic laws of acoustics. The stage will be best positioned at the centre of the east wall, as shown in Fig.1 The audience depth will be shallow and wide so that the best can be appreciated from a presentation or performance both visually and acoustically. More importantly, the sound reaching the audience will be evenly distributed.   With the stage positioned on the east wall, the obvious step is to place the mixing desks and equipment storage in the boxed area opposite the stage. The walls are made of plasterboard. The room measures 15.176m wide and 12.176 long with an extra pocket on the side measuring 5m by 3.396m. The seating capacity will be approximately 80-100. Problems Although this is the logical way to position the stage and seating, there is a big problem with the design that needs to be ironed out; the roof is high and airy on one side of the room yet low and dense on the other. As symmetry is critical in acoustic design, this is a big problem. However, difficulties would also arise if the stage were positioned at one of the narrower sides of the room because the audience would still not get even sound distribution. The windows pose another big problem for the proposal of the design. If they were a desired feature a sound-reducing window could be fitted, but these are expensive and usually favoured in recording studios or places where visual presentation is not involved. For the purposes of this project, which must accommodate controlled lighting and projectors, daylight and the changes in daylight would be unacceptable. The need for windows in this case is redundant. The project funding cannot warrant electrical devices to control reverberation but sufficient commitment needs to be made towards sound reinforcement. For the purpose of renting the space to organisations outside of the university, it needs to be classed as a music venue, which brings with it its own set of requirements in terms of equipment and maintenance as well as in the acoustic design. Tests with sound inside the space need to be conducted before the speaker arrangement can be determined. Solutions and recommendations Walls The wall opposite the stage will need diffusers to distribute or absorb the sound and regulate reverberation time. Curtains along the back of the stage area will give more options once the venue is up and running and could also be extended to the north and south walls, in addition to the absorbers and diffusers. Rigid Rocksil walling is excellent, but expensive. There are many fiberboard solutions on the market, which would be a cheaper alternative. These can be screwed to the existing wall. Floor A cheap and effective option for the floor is heavy felt carpet underlay with a compressed carpet on the top. An attractive, but more expensive alternative would be to lay wooden flooring over the top of the thick underlay; the hard surface of the wood could enhance the sound quality; too much soft furnishing may deaden the sound. Ceiling The best solution to the problem with the ceiling is to find a balance between the sound generated under the high ceiling, with that being generated under the low side. As the area on one side of the room will have a different sound quality to the other side, absorbers need to be fitted to the high ceiling to counteract echo and a set of diffusers to the low ceiling to maximise the quality of the sound, (see figure 2). An aesthetic feature can be made of the high section of the ceiling using the reflectors and absorbers. Windows doors The solid fire doors will not leak much sound. Vibration leaked through the doorframe can be greatly decreased using doorframe sound gaskets. The windows would be best removed or blocked with absorbers. An air conditioning system will need to be installed, even if the windows remain, air conditioning is still absolutely necessary with so much insulation. Free standing absorbers Another ideal way to add flexibility to the working design of the studio is to include freestanding sound absorbers, deflectors and diffusers. These can be moved around to fit with the nature of performance or presentation and the size of the audience. They can also be custom made without too much expense. Conclusion The initial problem facing this project faces is the multi purpose use for which it has been designated and the flexibility that is required from the finished design. Live music and speech require different methods of application in acoustic design. Speech and drama performances depend largely on design made with good intelligibility in mind, where as acoustic design for music venues needs to take other factors into consideration that may not work out best for speech and vice versa. In addition to this, The University has limited funds for the project. The important factor here is that the design must be finished to a competitive standard and the venue must be able to operate smoothly if The University is to make the theatre a commercial success. More research needs to be carried out inside the room to determine how, exactly, the issue with the ceiling can be properly resolved. The acoustics of the space will need to be tested before work is carried out, using a small sound system that can establish the extent of change in sound from one side of the room to the other. Bibliography Makrinenko, L., Ed, Bradley, J.S.,1986. Acoustics of Auditoriums in Public Buildings, New York: Acoustical Society of America. Elsea P, 1996. ACOUSTIC TREATMENT FOR HOME STUDIOS, California: University of California Santa Cruz. Ed. Wallace Clement Sabine, 1921. Collected Papers on Acoustics, New York:v Acoustical Society of America Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers: Theory, Design, and Application  by Trevor J. Cox, Peter D’Antonio, Spon Press (April 1, 2004)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Viscocity of Alkanes Essay examples -- Papers

Viscocity of Alkanes Introduction When dealing with fluid/mechanical systems, it is important to know what affects the rate of descent of an object through a liquid. There are many factors that affect the descent of an object through a liquid such as: 1) Temperature of the liquid 2) Mass* of object 3) Size/surface area of object 4 Viscosity of liquid 5) Angle of descent Temperature I would like to investigate the correlation between temperature and time of descent. Reading suggests that the colder the liquid the longer it will take for the object to reach the bottom. Mass*& Surface area/size Gravity accelerates at 9.81 ms-1 independent of mass. Hence increasing the mass will not affect the experiment of surface area. Thus using an object of various sizes it would be possible to investigate the proportionately of size on the descent of the object. Viscosity I feel it is important to investigate the affects of how a more viscous liquid would impede the progress of an object descending through a liquid. Therefore I have included this factor into my investigation. Angle of descent I would like to observe the affects of the object descending at an angle. Such at sediment in a bottle is there a way in which bottles should be stored that may hasten descent? Aim To investigate the rate of decent of an object falling through a liquid (simulated by a ball bearing) and investigate some of the factors that will affect this. Summary I have completed this investigation by using many simple experiments to reach a firm conclusion on the rate of decent of a ball beari... ...ment 2 this was also 40-60. Therefore I would be able to conclude with a third liquid that it may be possible that the liquid does not effect the point in which a ball bearing reaches its terminal velocity. However I can conclude that the size of the ball bearing and also the mass does not effect where it reaches its terminal velocity. As you already know, if two objects of the same size but with different masses are dropped from the same height they will descend and hit the ground at the same time. It is only air resistance that will affect the descent if the objects size is slightly different. I can relate this to my experiments in finding the terminal velocity of the ball bearings through the liquid, and therefore explain why the occurance happened with only a slight varience with the very large ball bearings.

Friday, October 11, 2019

International Businesses Essay

What are the implications of these shifts for international businesses based in Britain? North America? Hong Kong? Over the last 30 years, there has been a shift away from a world in which national economies are relatively self-contained entities, isolated by barriers to trade and investment, and differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems and toward a world where barriers to trade and investment are declining, cultures are converging, and national economies are merging into an integrated, interdependent global economic system. As companies from Japan and emerging markets like China play a more vital role in the world economy, the dominance of companies from the United States and Western Europe has diminished. Significant implications for British firms involve their need to look beyond Europe and America for investment and opportunities. Consumer spending power is growing the most quickly in developing countries. British firms also face the opportunity (and the threat) of attracting Asian firms interested in Britain as a launch pad for the European market. For North American firms, the same holds true, although the importance of the increasing prosperity in Latin America suggests a potentially huge market in â€Å"their backyard.† Hong Kong, while losing its â€Å"independence†, is perceived as the gateway to the immense market of mainland China. While the free market freedoms Hong Kong firms have enjoyed are now less taken for granted, access to China is improving along with the move towards a market economy within China. International businesses based in all three locations are facing new opportunities and threats.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Assignment System Evaluation Paper Essay

Epic is privately held health care software company. In 1979, it was established by Judith Faulkner. The organization central command was in Madison, Wisconsin, yet in 2005 the organization moved to Vernon, Wisconsin. The product’s business is health awareness associations, and it is a fascinating suite of human services programming fixated on a MUMPS database. (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multiple Programming System). It is a programming dialect that was made in the 1960 and afterward utilized for the health awareness associations. It is an altogether different language structure dialect and wording. MUMPS is an inherent database, empowering high- level access to plate stockpiling, utilizing a basic typical project variables. The programming dialect is likewise utilized as a part of keeping money systems and internet exchanging administrations. With the advancement of a prebuilt database, Epic programming is effortlessly introduced and kept up to the current IT fra mework in the association. Epic System gives the human services administration programming that incorporates monetary and clinical data over the association in one database. The frameworks programming incorporates booking, charging, enrollment, research facility, serious forethought offices, crisis, healing center drug store, radiology, surgery, inpatient, outpatient, electronic wellbeing records, to oversaw mind organization. Illustration, in the crisis room, Epic assists with a brisk path on effective patient mind by having a point and click on records to enlisting new patient in, taking care of charging inquiries and issues, to bunk accessibility, to an immediate connection to the drug store on this one patient. The framework additionally permits the clinic to import records to different doctors once the patient is discharged from the healing center. Today in the 21st century, more accentuation set on paperless and additionally going electronic, even in the restorative field. This framework  additionally permits more patients to be more included about their medications by having more get to their restorative records. By getting to webpage from their home patients can transfer photographs, overhaul medicines, and anaphylaxes that they may have, view proclamations, pay bills on the web, perspective test outcomes, plan errands, see past, and approaching arrangements and refill remedies. Along these lines, doctors need to be dependent upon the pace, on time, on a plan, and utilize a superior apparatus that has in excess of 100 separate claims to fame Epic is known to have quite recently that. Epic frameworks likewise permits doctors and other human services staff to get to the framework while making adjusts in the passages, or simply far from the doctor’s facility or office by synchronizing the product to their Pda’s, I cushions, and cell telephones. While far from the workplace or healing facility doctors and other human services staff looking over their patients outlines, seek postings, plan errands, send messages, e-recommend, do correspondences in the diagrams, and take a gander at clinical imaging catch. Arrangement Link on the Epic framework gives a supplier and a payor association leeway by adding an administration accessible to the bosses by means of web. The supplier can make referrals, get endorsements notices and surveys statuses of cases they are included. Arrangement Link administration permits them to print settlement guidance reports, spare telephone calls, and mailing costs. The payors can even get to their online premium receipts for installment. In 2002, there were simply more than 500 representatives at the Epic Corporation, today it is more than 3,800 workers there. The company has more than 165 clients from the fair size therapeutic gathering, huge restorative association, youngsters’ associations to a variable vast healing facility framework. Epic today has more than 50 million American individuals in the Epic programming wellbeing records. I worked with Epic Systems a year ago and what this framework can do does right by me that was some piece of the therapeu tic association going into the eventual fate of innovation. Epic has developed in the course of recent years; the inquiry is Epic going Global. In the event that this organization was to go worldwide, look how it would change the way individuals fly out and expecting to go to the healing facility abroad. It will decrease ineligible techniques, diminish copy requests, lessen the danger of prescription blunders and reduction  protection cost. Dickman in this article talked about keeping up the following key piece of Epic, and it is to recognize the up and coming era of pioneers for this organization, getting them prepared for the following period of Epic frameworks (Marc Eisen, 2008). Today the organization has gone worldwide, Epic Corporation has augment their aspirations to abroad in Holland. Dickman has expressed that the organization as of now have two agreement and investigating more. References Anonymous, 2013. Epic Corporation. Retrieved from Marc Eisen, June, 2008. Epic Systems: Epic Tale. Retrieved from:

Food Web Case Study Essay

A food web is a type of graph that depicts the relationship between the prey and the predators, also known as a system of food chains and how one another are related. This can be better explained as a connection in a community. Food webs are important because it is a direct illustration of the relationships among certain species within a certain community. Right away the graph will reveal the type of species, what they interact with, the structure in which the environment they are located, and show the relations between each species. Because it is called a food web, the name has already shown that the relationship that will be represented will be a relationship concerning food. Within any given food web, there can very possibly be more than one food chain located inside of the actual food web itself. The different types of food webs will pertain specifically to that environment only. Ecological interactions determine flow of the food web. Food webs will vary from simple to complex dependent on the type of food web being viewed. Competition â€Å"Animals need air to breathe as a source of food, to eat to provide certain minerals to provide some of the body’s needs and to drink (, 2014).† Because the needs vary from one species to another, there comes the need to compete for many things for the need to survive. Even if this means that the species themselves are considered part of the food web as a meal for a larger species. With not only the competition to survive to make it out alive through another day, there is the need to create a family and also find a safe place to live (, 2014). Because these animals have mates to take care of, children to feed, and the need to protect what is theirs comes a whole new definition of the word competition. Many competitors within the food chain can at times be after the same types of food, searching for the same type of shelter can cause  issues between not only species, but the living organisms that thrive within these eco systems like plants. Plants are also in need of resources (, 2014). Although their needs will differ from most animals, they are constantly in need of oxygen during daylight hours. Oxygen for plants is a source of nutrients and energy that allow them to grow and thrive. Resources that animals compete for (, 2014) 1.Food 2.Water 3.Space 4.The opportunity to mate Resources that plants compete for (, 2014) 1.The food that animals waste 2.Some plants are pollinated by animals 3.Water, Light, Minerals Food Webs Source web is a type of food web in which one or more types of prey are eaten by their predators and so forth up the food web. A community web will reveal a connection of who eats who. Energy flow web is a type of food web that will depict the energy amongst the consumer of the energy, and the source in which the energy is coming from. A Sink web is a type of web that illustrates this prey eating another prey, and this prey eating the next prey, and the next prey eating the next prey. Paleecological web will visualize the ecosystem showing pictures that depict all the way back to fossil. A functional web will resemble in look to that of the community web. It will show the relations between connections of predator/prey, energy flows, the smaller food web within the web, and a predictable pattern for what type of species need what types of food and natural resources. The most common of the food web are the community web and the functional web. They are the types of webs that most users are more familiar with in terms of what they are called and what they entail. Boxicity Tropic Status Trophic levels depict how the producers, carnivores, and the herbivore have similar yet different types of feeding positions. The First level consist of the plants, the second level consist of the herbivores, carnivores are definitely in the third level and sometimes the fourth. When one species or organism is located in the food web, they are ultimately participating in food transfers. Which is food chain going from species to species, or organism to organism. Rose Plant > Aphids > Beetle > Chameleon > Hawk (, 2014). The example listed here is a great example to use because it shows one organism eating another. Real Life Applications †¢Animals that fertilize the grass. †¢Grass that uses sunlight to grow †¢Animals that eat grass, and in turn produce milk, meat, or their fur coat. †¢I use myself for my last example. I am a human being, located within my own food web. I eat food that come animals. I need the oxygen that omits from trees and plants to survive. I go to work every day to provide for my family so that I can feed them. When I am applying for a job I am in competition with others that are looking to take care of their families, therefore we are in competition with each other. I consume the natural resources that my eco system has to offer. I eat animals that in turn may eat other animals. The image above is also a real world depiction that relates a directed multi graph that is the food web to a real world scenario to better understand the relations in a mathematical way. References Tropic levels. Retrieved on April 14. 2014. Retrieved from: Competition. Retrieved on April 14, 2014. Retrieved From: Figures Retrieved From: file:///C:/Users/Green/Downloads/mth221_r2_food_webs_case_study.pdf McGuigan, Robert A. 13 Food Webs. Retrieved on April 14, 2014. Retrieved from:

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Marketing strategy (bringing StarBuck to Trinidad and Tobago) Research Paper

Marketing strategy (bringing StarBuck to Trinidad and Tobago) - Research Paper Example Starbucks has successfully created its position as the best place for socializing other than office and home. The only way to enter the new markets is to implement the same global marketing strategy that it has been following for each of its expansion plan. Hence, it should slowly enter the markets of Trinidad and Tobago so that the customers in the region accept the concept of specialty coffee shops and enjoy the amazing ambiance of the outlet. ... The primary aim of Starbucks is to establish itself as â€Å"a highly respected and recognized brand in the international market† (Starbucks, 2012). Situational Analysis of Starbucks Current Marketing strategy After careful analysis of the marketing strategies highlighted by Michael Porter, cited by Alison (2010), Starbucks is following a differentiation strategy. Initially, the main element of its business activities was to focus on particular aspects with strong emphasis on creating differentiated products within the target consumer market. However, the company soon realized that it needs to strengthen its position in the market by developing a differentiation strategy and the success of Starbucks is evident from the fact that it has developed an excellent marketing mix for its customers. In order to expand its operations in the international market, it is offering same â€Å"coffee experience† to the international customers by providing them premium quality products and aesthetically designed ambiance (Tu, Wang & Chang, 2012). It has ensured that there is uniformity in its marketing activities by using only third party mediums for promoting its product and service offerings. According to Michelli (2007), Starbucks has allocated only 4% of its total cost on the advertising budget. One of the key elements of differentiation strategy is to introduce new and innovative products in the market and Starbucks has been exceeding its customers’ expectations by offering them products that are totally different from existing ones (Parayani, 2011). The innovation element of its marketing strategy gives it a competitive edge in the specialty coffee industry. In order to ensure that it develops entirely new offerings, a huge amount of money is invested in

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Analysis of Various Artworks Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Various Artworks - Assignment Example The paper "Analysis of Various Artworks" analyzes Marcel Duchamp's "Sad young man in a train", Robert Rauschenberg's "Creek", Joseph Beuys' "Rabbit" and Andy Warhol's "Butterfly". Exploring everything from cubism to futurism, Sad Young man in a Train pertains to his mechanistic period, when he was keenly concerned with depicting a fourth dimension in art. Marcel regarded it as a self portrait, and is shows a sad young man who is smoking in a train. The reverse direction of movement, the many windows and the effect of the man smoking all have been captured in the juxtaposition of movement that is shown by this masterpiece. When it comes to proportion, there is consistency portrayed in the artwork by pairing dark and golden tones with soft tones, used to depict movement which makes the meaning being reflected by the artwork consistent. Also, emphasis is used through the contrast of dark and bright colours to express reality. Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) was a prominent American pain ter known for his Neo-Dadism, a label represented by him and fellow artist Jasper Johns. He was interested in exploring the gap between life and art. His creations of the 1950s called Combines were inspired by everyday objects that he found on the streets of New York; he often found surprising objects that he transformed into art. He was also one of the first to combine art and mechanics. The painting entitled Creek probably pertains to his Blue period since there is a preponderance of blue in the image.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment Essay

Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Environment - Essay Example Cultural diversity refers to people belonging to diverse cultures working in one organisation, which is rampant in Singapore because of its history of immigrants and also due to its growing economic prospects. The present discourse focuses on the way Singapore manages its cultural diversity. The topic explores various governmental initiatives as well as organisational policies towards diversity management in this region. During the process, a critical view of the policies and practices and their impact on other aspects of organisational performance would be placed to assess the effectiveness of the policies and practices. Moreover, possible recommendations to tackle these challenges would be suggested based on organisational practices. 2. Background: While the effects of globalization have been so profound that all organisations have to adapt to the changes, diversity is one of the strategies adopted for sustainability and performance. This reflects in their policies and practices wi th respect to human resources management. Though the western countries adopted this route much earlier, it is relatively newer concept in most of the Eastern nations (Mor-Barack, 2005). This does not mean that the Eastern nations did not employ people from different cultures and ethnic groups; but just that the organisations have started adopting policies and practices to encourage and, to an extent, suit multicultural and diverse populations during last few decades. The most important requirement for managing diversity comes from equal rights act and policies congruent with this act, which create favourable social, legal and organisational environment to all groups of people. Secondly, organisational policies and practices that encourage and support diversified workforce. 3. Rationale: Globalization has provided extraordinary benefits to organisations, which has enticed many organisations to enter the global market. This has further increased the numbers of people from different ba ckgrounds, cultures, races and ethnic groups to work together at different locations. On the other hand, organisations in some sectors are known to have moved to other places in order to flourish because the legislation there was more conducive to their strategies; for example, Singapore has relaxed legislation related to bioresearch, unlike in the Western countries. Many Western bioresearch organisations shifted their base to Singapore (Huat, 2011). Much before such movements, Singapore is known for cultural diversity because it was established because of immigrants from different parts of the world, which created a plural and highly diverse and ethnic society (Chen-Tung, Ong & Chen, 1980). With such high cultural diversity, Singapore is one of the most advanced and flourished nations in the Asia-Pacific region. Many reasons make Singapore as the focus of discussion related to management of cultural diversity in organisations. The immense industrial growth in Singapore suggests tha t workplace diversity, specifically cultural diversity, is being managed effectively; this fact is further reinforced by the immense movement that is continuing, and potential that still exists in this part of the world. Secondly, Singapore hosts a variety of cultural mix, which makes it even more difficult for diversity management for organisations if they have to cater to the cultural differences of all groups that are a part of them. At least these two critical reasons are enough to explore